Beijing has long claimed that it has “indisputable sovereignty over the islands in the South China Sea and the adjacent waters," including legal jurisdiction over the surface, seabed and subsurface mineral rights.
... the rapidly growing renewables energy sector, oil & gas as well as emerging ultra deep-water seabed surveys for the seabed mineral industry,” said Jostein Alendal, CEO of Reach Subsea.
They likely started off as solid fragments—perhaps a shark tooth—that sank down to the soft muddy seabed, then grew slowly through the accumulation of minerals present in the water in extremely low concentrations.
Cellula's extensive experience in projects that require integrated mechanical, electrical, hydraulic, and software elements in a subsea environment is evident in its wide client base spanning over the defence, mineral exploration and energy sectors.
“Odyssey’s extensive experience exploring the oceans to work cooperatively with countries interested in understanding the potential subsea mineral deposits in their Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs) ...
... integrated mechanical, electrical, hydraulic, and software elements in a subsea environment is evident in its wide client base spanning over the defence, mineral exploration and oil & gas sectors.
Ironically, however, it seems that is exactly what China wants ... At the same time, subsea rights to oil and gas and minerals also may be in China’s intentions, particularly as China extends its lead as the largest consumer of energy ... ....
At the same time, subsea rights to oil and gas and minerals also may be in China’s intentions, particularly as China extends its lead as the largest consumer of energy. That said, reducing ...
... integrated mechanical, electrical, hydraulic, and software elements in a subsea environment is evident in its wide client base spanning over the defence, mineral exploration and oil & gas sectors.
IndonesianMinister for Energy and Mineral Resources Arifin Tasrif said linking the archipelago through subsea transmission corridors will play a critical role in enabling the nation to unlock its ...
... integrated mechanical, electrical, hydraulic, and software elements in a subsea environment is evident in its wide client base spanning over the defence, mineral exploration and oil & gas sectors.
... integrated mechanical, electrical, hydraulic, and software elements in a subsea environment is evident in its wide client base spanning over the defence, mineral exploration and oil & gas sectors.
... integrated mechanical, electrical, hydraulic, and software elements in a subsea environment is evident in its wide client base spanning over the defence, mineral exploration and oil & gas sectors.